Numerical Tutoring

Beginner $140 per week

  • Schedule your own lock in time every week and get 2 lessons with one of our tutors for Maths Methods, Specialistes Maths and Physics

Intermediate $210 per week

  • Schedule your own lock in time every week and get 3 lessons with one of our tutors for Maths Methods, Specialistes Maths and Physics

Advanced $280 per week

  • Schedule your own lock in time every week and get 4 lessons with one of our tutors for Maths Methods, Specialistes Maths and Physics

Single session- Maths Methods


Single session- Physics


Single session- Specialist Maths


Discover the Power of Mathematics

Unlock your potential with our comprehensive math tutoring and resources. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, we're here to guide you on your mathematical journey. Our dedicated team of tutors is ready to help you excel in all areas of math. Let us be your online math collage, where you can access the tools and knowledge you need to succeed.

Our Available Courses

Maths Methods 3

Get access to all Lessons, Videos, and Test & Video Solutions for Maths Methods Unit 3. As well as additional tests and problems added to each section every month.

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